Cadrell Launches a Radio Show – ForDMasses

ForDMasses is a radio program aimed at engaging Nigerian families on critical topics including domestic relations, civic responsibilities, family life as well as communal vices like rape, domestic abuse, child molestation and jungle justice, with a view to providing free legal support to the indigent masses. In a nutshell, it is a program that prepares the masses for the future. Additionally, the program aims to share the basic principles of governance and acquaint the populace of their corresponding obligations. To achieve our objectives, we shall share considerable knowledge of the Nigerian law, its application and the enforcement of the fundamental rights of the citizenry.
Furthermore, we pitch and develop far-reaching research content for robust delivery. Our focus revolves around but is not limited to citizen’s participation in governance, civic responsibilities, fundamental rights, parliamentary processes, fundamental objectives, directive principles and state policies.
Overall, the critical objective of this radio program is to establish a platform for thorough debate on family life, domestic relations and government policies as it affects the masses thereby simplifying these topics for the average Nigerian. We are committed to bridging information gaps to enhance and inform the citizenry.
Having carried out diligent feasibility study and far-reaching consultations we have resolved to take this program to WFm 91.7 for transmission.
Benefit of Partnership
One of the major benefits of this program is that given its scope and the topics dissected therein as well as its novelty, it will attract wide listenership. To boost this, we plan to rigorously advertise on our already existing social media platforms. The program is the corporate social responsibility initiative of Cadrell Advocacy Centre – a Nigerian based nongovernmental organization. If you partner with us, you will be part of a germane initiative to promote the citizen’s awareness on family life, laws of domestic relations and civic responsibility which will not only make the citizenry more informed, but also has the potential to influence government policy formulations in Nigeria.
The program shall be aired every Sunday afternoon.
We hereby restate our commitment to undertake this initiative with diligence and efficiency bearing in mind that any government exists primarily for the security and welfare of the people, and the constitutional responsibly of the press to the people is the fundamental objective and directive principle of state policy. We shall promote the ideology that sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria and their right to freedom of information shall be safeguarded.
~ Evans Ufeli Esq
(Your Anchor, ForDMasses)