What Is Rape?

If a man forces you to have penetrative sex, or has sex with you without your consent or agreement, that’s rape. Rape includes penetration with his penis of the vagina, anus or mouth without consent.

Whatever the circumstances, nobody has the right to force you to have sex or have sex with you without your consent. If this happens to you, it’s important to remember it’s not your fault.

Both men and women can be raped.

If someone (male or female) sexually assaults you by penetrating you with another part of their body or another object, this is classed as ‘assault by penetration’ but will be treated similarly to rape if taken to court.

What is sexual assault?
If someone intentionally grabs or touches you in an undesirable way that you don’t like, or you’re forced to kiss someone or do something else sexual against your will, that’s sexual assault.

This includes touching of any part of someone’s body, and it makes no difference whether you’re wearing clothes or not.

Anyone can be sexually assaulted and both men and women can commit sexual assault.

What is consent?
Consent can never be assumed, even in a relationship or marriage. It doesn’t matter what you were wearing at the time, or how you were behaving — sex without your consent is rape.

You may not be able to give your consent if you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs, didn’t understand what was happening. If you don’t have the capacity to give your consent, it cannot be assumed.
if at first you wanted to have sex but then decided against it, that’s ok and no-one has the right to force you to continue. If a person refuses to stop, then he has committed the offense of rape.

The age of consent in Nigeria is 18 and a child under the above age cannot legally consent to any sexual activity.


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