CADRELL CHILD EDUCATION TRUST FUND We believe that the best legacy a child can be given is education. When a child is allowed to develop his inner faculties, he finds new perspective from where his life can begin to turn around for excellence. Bearing this in mind, we set up the Cadrell Child Education Trust Fund (CCETF) to help children who are deprived of basic education to access it at no cost. This way, we can sustain our mission of rescuing them from violence. We aim to put underprivileged children in decent schools and cater for their needs till they can find their footings in the society.
There are over 14 million children out of school in Nigeria. Our mission is to reduce this number by half within the next (3) three years. We cannot do this alone, and as such, we have a platform in place by which members of the public can partner with us to make this a reality. It costs just N35,000 to sponsor a child to primary school. This amount will cover the cost of uniforms, bags, books, food, excursions, sports, etc. With your support, we can send as many children to school as possible so that they do not become easy tools in the hands of insurgents. We once again declare our commitment to reduce illiteracy through this trust fund, and we pledge to give account of our stewardship at regular intervals.
To donate to this course, call our helpline: +2348037712353
visit our website at
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